Improving/Transforming Health professional practice through technology: Prediction, Diagnosis and Monitoring/Tracking using M-Health and Telemedicine.
Co-located to the DigiHealthSouth 2020 conference (Cali, Colombia)
Tutorial chair: Lina Marcela Quintero, Icesi University
This tutorial is for engineers, medical professionals, researchers, clinicians and students interested in learning about how technology can be applied to improve the health care practice and creating ideas for the development of mobile interventions in this field. Also, the tutorial will provide value to the participants thanks to the creative process involved and the overview of the technologies that can be used such as the Internet of things, Cloud computing, analytics, among others.
- Digital solutions for healthcare professionals
- e-Health
- Internet of Things
- Mobile Applications
- Mobile Applications prototyping
Participants will get the opportunity to build a nonfunctional and low resolution mobile prototype on specific m-Health-related case. Participants will also have the opportunity to work on small groups in the conception of one App in which they can apply best practices in mobile prototyping and technology integration.